Productivity Solutions Corporation
Certified SBA 8a Business Development Program Participant
Our Customers
As part of the Pentagon Renovation Program (PENREN) team, PSC supported all DoD Civilian and Military organizations in the Pentagon. Our specific role in the IT Modernization efforts was to provide expert Systems Engineering support and Enterprise Software Applications implementation to create a high performing PENREN Operation. During the course of this support, PSC was responsible to develop supportive IT Infrastructure of swing spaces for Agency Tenants to relocate to and provide a robust IT Infrastructure for them in the renovated PENTAGON. The IT facilities that were modernized included Tech Control facilities, Command Centers, Training Facilities, Conference facilities, Consolidate Switch/Data server room, Operations Centers, Watch Floor with full IT (audio-visual/data/voice) for OSD, WHS, OCJCS, USA, USN, USMC, USAF, DISA, and DIA Tenants.
Provides subject matter expertise and strategic guidance/engineering support to USA PEO EIS CIO in support of Enterprise Architecture development strategies and implementation, software and systems vulnerability assessment and the mitigation strategy support for Cyber Directorate, and the SME support for the integration of Emergency Response Capabilities for Global Public Safety Communication on behalf of US Army Product Lead Base Emergency Communication System (PL-BECS). Also, provided support to Strategic Command Center team to modernize selected command center systems worldwide. Provided premier Cost and Economic Analysis support to PEO EIS Business Management Directorate. PSC provided user awareness of Pentagon Renovation Program (PENREN)/DoD IT Modernization policies in the renovated Pentagon. As necessary, PSC resources coordinated with Building and IT O & M Organizations activities in support of IT implementation. Tasks included frequent presentations to senior DoD executives and workgroups. Acted as a liaison between the Tenant Agencies and ITS. He coordinated implementation of changes. PSC resources acted as liaison between the Tenant Agencies and PEO EIS/ITS and coordinated implementation of changes.
The following seals identify the Agencies that we have been supporting or have supported.